Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I'm not quite done with this one either -- I think I take a lot more time on each page than other people, savoring each word, trying to get a feel for the gestalt of the lines and paragraphs before I move on to the next one. Or that's my excuse at least.

From what I have read, the similarities between this and The Dispossessed are pretty interesting. In particular, the fact that they live on a created anarchist society on the moon (although the two books differ in most other respects). I've been reading it as more or less a sort of step-by-step how-to fantasy of popular revolution. In the first half of the book, things go incredibly smoothly and perfectly -- though my assumption is that this won't hold. I'll have to wait and find out -- am hoping to finish it tonight so I don't have to hear all the spoilers in class tomorrow.

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