Monday, October 09, 2006

What kind of leader was Kynes?

In class, we talked about a distinction between a "charismatic" leader and a "logical" leader. We did not, however, talk about Kynes, and I think looking at his (and his father's) leadership of the Fremen provides an interesting study of leadership.

First, I want to make it clear that Kynes' leadership is neither of Weber's two other types: he does not rule by tradition, as the Fremen's tradition is not that of the Empire; and though he rules by legality as Imperial Planetologist, it's not a government that the Fremen necessarily recognize, and thus not relevant to Kynes' rule among them.

Therefore, Kynes would be what Weber would qualify as a "charismatic" leader. However, as we discussed in class, there is perhaps a sister or sub-classification to charisma: logic. I would argue that Kynes rules through logic, not charisma. He (and his father) use scientific explanations, as well as the proof provided by limited experimentation, to convince the Fremen to embark upon a journey that would take a dozen generations to complete.

It's a dream that must last long past its original rulers - long past when Kynes' father and Kynes himself have died. I argue that the rule provided by a charismatic leader often dies when that ruler dies; yet as the dream of a watery Dune is pushed by logic, not just charisma, and will live on through the generations.


nedlum said...

Possible. However, there is certainly a traditional charisma to Pardot Kynes, who as I recall is so persuasive that a Fremen sent to kill him kills himself instead. That take more than logicl

Russ said...

I feel like the ability to influence through logic is in a way just an extension of charisma. The way I tried to define charisma in class was just "the ability to create a sense of empathy with another".. and convincing people using a logical argument I think definitely falls into this category.