Friday, September 01, 2006

First Class

Welcome to our first blogging session! I know we all met for the first time the other day, so I was thinking I would start off my first blog with a little more about myself in addition to the only thing we learned about each other in class, which was our total level of nerdyness.

I am and have always been a native of California. Though I am rather proficient in the ways of Sci Fi, I think this class will open some new insights for me. Traditionally I always read these books as an escape from the happenings within the real world. This class will happily force me ( and the rest of us) to examine a tangible connection between those two elements of the plausible and the tangible. It was a harsh realization to note how nerdy I was compared to the rest of the people in the class based on our scale of how traumatized we were when the show Stargate was canceled. I had always assumed that more people read these books. I am very interested to see how our views of science fiction are changed over the course of the semester.

I would like to know how many of you have read the books on our list before, and if so which ones. I personally have read Enders Game as well as Dune. The rest on our list is new material to me. Other than that, what are the other types of books that you all have read? I know i tend to read more fantasy than fiction with authors such as Robert Jordan or Melanie Rawn. How do you think your reading in this class will be compared to what you normally enjoy in your spare time? Have a great one, stay dry, and enjoy your new blog.

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